How it Works
How does Water Weight work?
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Step 1: Choose your Water Weight.
Water Weight offers a variety of sizes that range in weight to satisfy the needs of the avid athlete, weekend warrior or beginner. Check out our variety of weights HERE.
Step 2: Choose your location
Enjoy your workout with a view! Any body of water ranging from hot tubs to the beach, perform your desired workout while getting the benefits of eccentric training, buoyancy and 3-D compression of water.
Step 3: Customize Weight
Customize the weight and resistance within seconds by submerging the Water Weight underwater with the holes facing upward to allow device to fill to desired weight. More water = more weight.
Step 4: Maintain or decrease the weight
What makes Water Weight different than any other fitness device on the market? Water Weight allows you to alter the weight of the device within seconds if desired by the simple rotation of your wrists. This turns the device to where the holes face downward, allowing water to flow from the device with each rep. Essentially decreasing the weight of the device with every rep.
Maintain a constant weight by keeping the holes facing upward. This keeps the water inside the Water Weight. When you are ready to lighten the weight rotate the device allowing the holes to face downward releasing the water.